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Notion WP Sync Documentation

Installation & Settings

To install our Notion WP Sync plugin in WordPress, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the plugin file to your computer
  2. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  3. On the left-hand side menu, click on “Plugins” and the “Add New”
  4. Click the “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page
  5. Click the “Choose File” button and select the plugin file you downloaded in step 1
  6. Click the “Install Now” button
  7. Wait for the plugin to be installed, and then click the “Activate” button
Notion to WordPress: Set up Notion WP Sync plugin and license key in WordPress

After installing and activating the plugin in WordPress, it will appear in the admin menu and access to the connection and configuration settings.

Before creating a connection, your are prompted to enter your license key to validate the installation of the plugin. To activate this license key, go to Notion WP Sync > Settings.

This license key is available both in your purchase confirmation email, as well as on > My Account > My Downloadable Products > License Keys, View Licenses.

You will then be redirected to the purchase page of your product. Click on the key icon to see the license number appears and copy-paste it into your Notion WP Sync License Key field.

Once the license key is copied into the Notion WP Sync settings, be sure to click the “Activate” button. If your license key is valid, a green checkmark will appear and you juste need to save the settings by clicking the “Update settings” button.

You can then begin creating your connections.

Create a Connection

To create a new connection to yout Notion account, go to Notion WP Sync > All connections, click the “Add New” button and enter a name for your connection.

You will be asked for an Access token to connect your account. We recommand that you retrieve this token using this link or view this video.

For a better comprehension, please follow theses steps:

  1. In your Notion account, go to the integrations page: Notion account > Settings and members > My connections > Develop or manage integrations
  2. Click the “Create new integration” button and enter a name for your integration. Then select the workspace where you want to use the integration. Please select the content capabilities “Read content” and the user capabilities “Read user information including email adresses”.
  3. Once you’ve created the integration, you shoud see an Internal Integration Token field that contain your secret token. You can copy and paste it into the Access Token field of your Notion WP Sync plugin.
Notion to WordPress - Notion WP Sync: How To Create an Internal Integration

Once your Access token has been entered in the field, you have to share your Notion pages or databases with your integrations to see their in the differents select fields of your plugin.
To do this, please select the more option button at the right top of your Notion page ou database, hover the “Add connection” option and select the connection you’ve just created. You can also consult the Notion Documentation Page to understand how to create an Access Token.

Import Settings

Notion content

You can import your Pages and Databases from Notion to WordPress.

  • Notion Pages: They are essentially digital documents that can contain a wide range of information, from text and images to embedded files, databases, and more.
Notion to WordPress - Notion WP Sync: How To import Notion content as pages in WordPress
  • Notion Databases: one of the most powerful features of the Notion platform, Notion Databases are essentially tables with customizable columns, where users can input and manipulate data in a variety of ways
Notion to WordPress - Notion WP Sync: How to create WordPress Posts from a Notion database


You can import your content in several ways: Post type or Shortcode.

Post type

You can import your content in several ways: Post, Page or Post type.

Here’s how these three elements work:

  • Post: An article is a content that can be published on a blog or website. They are generally used to display information. They are created and managed in the “Posts” section of the WordPress dashboard.
  • Page: A page is static content that is usually part of a website’s navigation menu. They are used to display information. They are created and managed in the “Pages” section of the WordPress dashboard.
  • Custom Post Type (CPT): A custom post type is a custom content type that can be created by WordPress plugins or themes. CPTs allow you to add specialized content types to your site such as events, products, portfolios, etc. They are generally used to extend the capabilities of WordPress and to add structured content to your site. They are similar to posts and pages in that they can be published on your site and viewed by users but they have their own unique labels and characteristics that distinguish them. There are several types of CPTs: CPTs created by plugins or themes that you have installed on your WordPress site, those that you have created via plugin such as Custom Post Type UI or ToolSet or those that have been created manually by custom development.

Creating Custom Post Type

In the case where you are using a theme and/or specific development, several other post types may be available to you. These are all Custom Post Types that have already been defined by your installed themes or plugins or by the developers of your WordPress site.

Our Notion WP Sync plugin offers the ability to create your Custom Post Types on-the-fly specifically for your imported content.

For the Custom Post Type that you will create from the Notion WP Sync plugin, you will find the possibility of mapping the following WordPress fields: Title, Content, Slug, Custom Field.

It also allows you to create your own Custom Fields.

⚠️ CAUTION, if you decide to change the configuration and no longer use the Custom Post Type created specifically through the Notion WP Sync plugin, this CPT created on-the-fly will no longer exist in WordPress and the content imported will also no longer be available.


You can import your Notion content in Shortcode.

Notion to WordPress - Notion WP Sync: How To create & use shortcode to display Notion content in WP

Creating your shortcode content will create a Custom Post Type: “Notion Content”. This Notion Content CPT can be used by developers.

It can also be displayed thanks to our dedicated “Notion Content” block in Gutenberg.

The generated shortcode can be used in the shortcode bloc of Gutenberg or different builder pages like Divi, Elementor, WP Bakery, etc.

Notion to WordPress - Notion WP Sync: How to use Notion content as widget in WP thanks to shortcode

Post Status

Like in WordPress, imported content from Notion can have different status: Published, Draft, Scheduled, Pending, Private.

Each of these status checks the following conditions:

  • PUBLISHED content is publicy visible on your website
  • DRAFT content is saved as a work in progress and is not visible to the public
  • SCHEDULED content is set to be published at a specific date and time in the future
  • PENDING content is waiting for review or approval before it can be published
  • PRIVATE content is only visible to logged-in users with the appropriate permissions

Depending on the status chosen, the synchronized content will receive the status defined in the settings.

If you decide to change the status in the configuration later, note that the change in status of already imported content will depend on the import strategy you have defined (see the different content import strategies).

Post author

In the process of importing your content, you are required to choose an author that will be assigned to each imported content. The choice of this author must be made only among the registered users of the site, that is, users who have access to the administrative part of the site, regardless of their role.

Mapping Settings

You can now link your pages and databases fields with WordPress fields.

To do so, click the “Add field” button. Two drop-down lists are then available, one contains the fields of your Notion page or database, the second the WordPress fields with which you can map them.


For articles, you will find the possibility to map the following WordPress fields: Title, Featured Image, Content, Excerpt, Slug, Tag, Category or Custom Field.


For articles, you will find the possibility to map the following WordPress fields: Title, Featured Image, Content, Excerpt, Slug, Tag, Category or Custom Field.

Existing Custom Post Type

For existing Custom Post Types, i.e created by plugins or WordPress themes present on your site, you will find the possibility of mapping the following WordPress fields and any Fields linked to your CPT: Title, Content, Slug, Taxonomies or Custom Field.

Taxonomies are used to group similar content accross multiple CPTs. They can be used to create filters or searches for your content.

Example of fields available for a Property CPT: Title, Content, Slug, Property type (taxonomy), City (taxonomy), Custom Field, etc*.***

Custom Fields

You can also consider adding specific fields to your content imported from WordPress by mapping your Notion field to a Custom Field that you can name and which you will find in the imported content once the synchronization is complete.

⚠️ CAUTION, if you modify the configuration and remove a Custom Field that was created from the Notion WP Sync plugin, you will not find it in any of the imported content.

Sync Settings

You can choose the synchronization parameters of the Notion WP Sync plugin.

By clicking on “Sync Now”, you can synchronize your content for the first time, even if you have not selected the “Manual Only” trigger


There are several import strategies for your Notion content in WordPress. We have defined 3 of them which are: Adding / Adding and Updating / Adding, Updating and Deleting.

Each of these strategies works as mentioned:

  • ADD mode will only add new content to your website and will not affect existing content.
  • ADD/UPDATE mode will add new content and update any existing content if it has been edited in Notion
  • ADD/UPDATE/DELETE mode will add new content, update any existing content if it has been edited in Notion and remove any content that has been deleted in Notion.


Triggers allow you to control when data is imported from Notion to WordPress. There are three possible trigger options: manual, recurrent and instant.

  • MANUAL: It allows you to manually import the data by clicking on the “Sync now” button. This is useful if you need to import data occasionally or want more control over when to import.
  • RECURRENT: It allows you to schedule the import of data at regular intervals. You can choose how often the import should occur, such as every 5 minutes, hourly, daily, or weekly. This is useful if you want to regularly update your WordPress site with the latest content entered into your Notion worspace.
  • INSTANT: It allows you to import data as soon as it is added or updated in Notion (depending on the selected import strategy). This is useful if you want your WordPress site to be in real-time sync with Notion, but it can also be resource-intensive if you have a large amount of frequently updated data.
Notion to WordPress - Notion WP Sync: How To setup your sync settings and triggers


Once all the parameters have been configured, do not forget to publish your connection by clicking on “Publish” or “Update” in the case of a configuration modification. And that’s it!

If you have chosen a manual synchronization, do not hesitate to click on the “Sync now” button to synchronize your first contents and see them appear in WordPress.

Supported fields & Content Blocks

Supported fields:

  • Checkbox
  • Date
  • Email
  • Files & Media
  • Multi Select
  • Number
  • People
  • Phone number
  • Rich text (“Text” in Notion)
  • Select
  • Status
  • Title
  • URL
  • Formula

Supported content blocks:

  • Paragraph
  • Heading (1,2,3)
  • Bullet list/Order list
  • Quote
  • Table (Header column not supported)
  • Separator
  • Boxed content
  • Image
  • Video
  • Files
  • Columns

Not Supported fields, Content Blocks & Views

Here is what is not supported by our plugin yet:

  • Task lists
  • Web link previews
  • Audios
  • File insertion
  • Board view
    Chart view
  • Gallery view
  • List view
  • Calendar view
  • Timeline view
  • Synced database
  • Bookmarks
  • Table of contents
  • Math Formula
  • Button
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Synced block, Embeds
  • Toggle title
  • Mention/Mention a page
  • Child pages links/Internal links
  • Date or reminder
  • Equation – In this block
  • AI block
  • Checkboxes

Internal links won’t be converted to WP page links.
Only Table view is supported.


Notion is an application offering a wide range of functionalities.

We strive to maintain as many of these features as possible during our import process; however, due to compatibility issues with Gutenberg, choices on our end, or limitations of the Notion API, some of these functionalities still remain restricted with our plugin.

In Pages

Here is what we have decided to restrict in our plugin:

Toggles are now compatible with Gutenberg!

Therefore, we have added support for toggles; however, since nesting is infinite on Notion, we have decided to limit it to the second level. You will therefore not be able to have more than 2 levels of toggles.

Please see the example below:

1. Works

2. Works too

3. Don’t work

Similarly, callouts are supported. However, you will not be able to nest one callout within another callout.

Please see the example below:

1. ⚠️ Works
2. ⚠️ Don’t work

Compatibility Table


Make sure you have created your databases and Notion fields names before adding a new connection. If you don’t see it, wait 1 minute. For performance reasons, your Notion elements are cached for one minute.

If needed, you can access to logs from a FTP server in this folder:

Syncing Issues

Some issues can appear when syncing. Some hosting providers disable a handful of PHP functions to help ensure performant servers.

Notion API: 403 error

In your Notion integration settings, ensure that you have checked the token user Capabilities  “Read user information including email addresses”.

Server Timeout

If you have a large amount of content to import, the synchronization process will take some time for all the data to synchronize, especially if this is the first sync. You may have what is called a “Server Timeout”. It will depend of the number of rows you wish to import, the size and the number of images but also of the server settings. This is all the more likely to happen if you have opted for a basic hosting offer.

Check with your hosting provider and increase the execution time, allowed memory size and file size to the maximum if needed.

Basic Authentification

In case you have configured a Basic Authentication to protect the access to the site or to some information of the site, the call to WP Cron is then impossible, making the recurrent and instantaneous synchronization impossible.

Cache issues with WP-Cron

WP-Cron needs page loading to trigger and therefore synchronize. In case you use a cache system (WP Rocket or WP Super Cache for example), it is therefore necessary to use a server cron.
